Advertising matches

More than just
a box of matches

Make personalized Advertising matches

Finding a great publicity tool or a personalized gift is not so easy. Well, luckily we have plenty of great gift ideas for both big and smaller budgets. You can’t go wrong when you create a truly original, personalized gift. Upload your image and we’ll make the best present for your loved one that you can give.


Small Match Boxes
Small Boxes
Book Match Boxes
Book Advertising Matches
Long Matches
Long Boxes
Extra long Matches
Extra Long Boxes
Matches in Tubes
Bottled Matches
Bottled Matches

Free shipping over 40,00 Eur

ECO friendly products

Safety payment

How It


1. Choose a PRODUCT

2. customize it

Choose the color of the non-toxic ignition head. Depending on the product you can choose from a range of five to seven colors.

Send your favorite image before you add your product to the cart and we will print it on the box or the label.

3. Send youR order


Big Quadrato



A luxury gift
that no one
else thinks of

Light the fire that
gives your home warmth
With our personalized advertising matches

Just a little bit of history… Tradition in match production since 1858

The synonym for fire? That ́s clear: matches! They are the core of our quality brand Europe Match. And a long tradition is related to them. Already around 950 before Christ the first precursor had been developed. At that time it was a more daring way to inflame fire because the in sulfur soaked pine sticks became inflamed at the slightest movement. No comparison to today’s safety matches!